This is the Director...

Sofia Landon Geier is a stage director and actor as well as a playwright and television scriptwriter. She is Producing Artistic Director of Unity Stage Company and co-founder of Albany’s Capital Repertory Theatre. Geier adapted the novel "The Railway Children" with her brother, composer George Andoniadis. The musical was initially created as an after-school program, giving Sofia the cherished memory of directing her late daughter Hallie in the role of Mother and then work-shopped at the Blue Heron Theatre, featuring her daughter M.J. 
Other adaptations include a musical version of Moliere’s "The Pretentious Young Ladies" with composer Tom Ashton. Geier’s directing credits include "Yellow Face" by David Henry Hwang, Unity Stage Company’s Innovative Theatre Award-nominated production of "Loyalties" in January as well as "Six Cylinder Love" this past June. 
Sofia Landon Geier, her husband Ted and daughter M.J. are co-founders of The LOVE, HALLIE Foundation, which empowers young people to take action to improve their communities and the world.